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Terry Wolverton & Elisabeth Nonas discuss their new books, Season of Eclipse and Grace Period, with moderator, Jen Cheng

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September 10th, 2024
2:00 AM - 4:00 AM
8818 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069 United States

About Season of Eclipse: After a chance encounter with terrorism at JFK leaves her snapping photos instead of fleeing, celebrated novelist Marielle finds herself thrust into the Witness Protection program--stripped of her vibrant life and identity. With only her cat for company, Marielle plans her comeback with a sensational novel--until she discovers a fraudulent "posthumous" book bearing her name. Breaking cover, Marielle embarks on a perilous quest for truth, enlisting the aid of an eclectic crew including a young musician, Buddhist monks, and her stalwart ex-lover, Fresh. Against all odds, Marielle is determined to reclaim her name and her life in this thrilling story of courage, identity, and resilience. About Grace Period: After 25 years, how do you rebuild your life? Hannah's wife has died unexpectedly. Just as 70-year-old writing professor Hannah Greene walks into her retirement party, she's called to the ER because Grace, her wife of 25 years, has been in what turns out to be a fatal car accident. This was definitely not part of the plan the two had for their lives, especially since Grace was ten years younger than Hannah. The plan had been for Hannah to join her art history professor wife on a sabbatical trip to Europe. Grace would do research, and Hannah would figure out what she wanted to do in her retirement. How does an independent, feisty lesbian adjust to both her suddenly widowed and newly retired life? How can she survive the loss of the spouse who statistically should have survived her? Grace Period tackles these questions head-on in an intimate, witty portrayal of a woman grappling with the new and unexpected turn her life has taken. It is a tale of love, loss, and survival.

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